[Asterisk-Users] One More IP Phone for interoperability with Asterisk

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Mon Aug 2 00:48:46 MST 2004

> - quality of the speakerphone better than the horribe GS speakerphone?

The LOUDSPEAKER is quite ok.

But the phone doesn't seem to have a microphone built into the chassis. So 
when you press the loudspeaker button, people in the office can listen to 
the call, but they can't participate and speak as well.

One thing that is nicer on the AT323 compared to the GS: you can dial 
while on-hook.  2-3-CALL-get-up-the-phone works. 2-3-get-up-the-phone 
works not, it forget the 2-3. The GS doesn't accept any numbers while 

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