[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 12 sp+ setup

Wim Fournier voip at hsmade.com
Tue Apr 27 23:33:17 MST 2004

Ryan Laginski zei:
> Hi,
> Thanks! It's now connected to asterisk. The phones now say "Program
> Update", and Asterisk reports
> Apr 27 09:09:20 WARNING[36891]: Skinny Client sent less data than
> expected.
> Apr 27 09:09:20 NOTICE[36891]: Skinny Session returned: Success
> I've read on the list that I need to specify the correct firmware. The
> firmware is 2.04, and I have version=P002G204 in the skinny.conf.
> Any ideas?

As far as I understood... In your case this should be F2.04
Its just a string being send over, if its different from the one in your
phone, it asks over tftp for that different image.

Good luck!


Wim Fournier
wim at hsmade.[com|net|org]

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