[Asterisk-Users] chan_h323: Different ports for both media channels (in, out)

Roger Schreiter roger at planinternet.de
Tue Apr 27 03:09:01 MST 2004


a partner, who exchanges voip traffic with my asterisk box,
complains, that asterisk ignores hints about ports to use.
Hints about ports to use, seem to be a feature of H323.
(I'm not firm enough with H323 to verify this.)

The remote party opens the media-in channel:
remote-ip:port-A -> local-ip:port-B

My local Asterisk-box uses the same channel for media-out:
local-ip:port-B -> remote-ip:port-A
("In" and "out" in this email always seen from my local

Is it right, that the remote H323 party is able to request
another port C to connect for outgoing sound:
local-ip:port-X -> remote-ip:port-C
(something called "TsapIdentifier")?

Is there anything I have to take care about to enable this
feature on my local side?

Thanks for any hints!

Below: Logfiles and comments from my remote partner.
 > Problem description:
 > Problem analyzing:
 > AquaGatekeeper proxys all RTP and control connections. For outgoing
 > MediaChannel to provider AquaGK used source and 
 > as recommended by provider in message (for 
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 H.245, 0x08412500, got fast start elements from
 > callee: provider at
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 OpenLogicalChannel {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelNumber: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType AudioData G711Alaw64k: 30 (0x1e)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters 
H2250LogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SessionID: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [3E 1A 7E 9C] 
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 12110 (0x2f4e)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaGuaranteedDelivery: false
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaControlChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [3E 1A 7E 9C] 
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 12111 (0x2f4f)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SilenceSuppression: false
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 OpenLogicalChannel {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelNumber: 101 (0x65)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType NullData
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters None
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ReverseLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType AudioData G711Alaw64k: 30 (0x1e)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters 
H2250LogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SessionID: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaGuaranteedDelivery: false
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaControlChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [3E 1A 7E 9C] 
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 12111 (0x2f4f)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SilenceSuppression: false
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 }
 > tcpdump showed:
 > 09:27:22.840015 modgud.dln.net.1026 > ipphone1.planinternet.net.12110:
 > udp 252 [tos 0x30]
 > AquaGK recommended provider to use port 1028 for MediaChannel:
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 Q.931, callee stream opened to
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 H.245, 0x08412500, send fast start elements to 
 > provider at 62.2
 > 6.126.156:1720
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 OpenLogicalChannel {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelNumber: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType AudioData G711Alaw64k: 60 (0x3c)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters 
H2250LogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SessionID: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaControlChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [C3 03 55 2D] (
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 1027 (0x403)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SilenceSuppression: true
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 OpenLogicalChannel {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelNumber: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ForwardLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType NullData
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters None
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   ReverseLogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     DataType AudioData G711Alaw64k: 200 (0xc8)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     MultiplexParameters 
H2250LogicalChannelParameters {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       SessionID: 1 (0x1)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [C3 03 55 2D] (
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 1028 (0x404)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       MediaControlChannel UnicastAddress IPAddress {
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         Network: 4 octets [C3 03 55 2D] (
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02         TsapIdentifier: 1029 (0x405)
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02       }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02     }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02   }
 > 23/04/2004 09:27:02 }
 > But instead of that received MediaChannel data on port 1026:
 > 09:27:23.320040 modgud.dln.net.1026 > ipphone1.planinternet.net.12110:
 > udp 252 [tos 0x30]
 > 09:27:23.327643 ipphone1.planinternet.net.12110 > modgud.dln.net.1026:
 > udp 172 (DF)
 > 09:27:23.343612 ipphone1.planinternet.net.12110 > modgud.dln.net.1026:
 > udp 172 (DF)
 > Of cause, client in local lan didnt receive any MediaChannel data.

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