[Asterisk-Users] Intel 537ep

Welby McRoberts - List reading account lists at bordem.net
Mon Apr 26 10:21:31 MST 2004

Forgot to mentiion that i'm using them both in the UK (one of BT and the 
other on Telewest) without any problems at all


Juan J. Sierralta P. wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 09:57, Jeremy McNamara wrote:
>>Jeremy Hall wrote:
>>>The 537 is, for the most part, a drop-in replacement for the Digium card. 
>	The i537EP isnĀ“t a replacement, in fact the i537EP is a complete
>different chipset just check the Intel developers site. AFAIR the i537UP
>is the replacement the only difference I noted is the PCI chip since
>Digium uses TigerJet chips and this modems uses MD3200, anyway I cannot
>check since my X101P has a heat sink on top.
>	BTW, checking the Silabs pages which is the chip manufacter of the AFE
>and DAA I noted that Si3012 is only FCC certified, are there problems
>for people using european specs on the X101P ?

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