[Asterisk-Users] reboots

Nick Knight nick at omniis.com
Tue Apr 20 11:28:53 MST 2004

The kernel is 2.4.22
It is a gentoo box, although it had a vanilla kernel installed, CAPI was
patched into the kernel for using CAPI drivers. 

It uses Asterisk version 1 from CVS, running SIP clients for the phones
and CAPI across an eicon diva card (4bri).

cacofonix root # uname -a
Linux cacofonix 2.4.24 #5 Sun Apr 4 13:54:33 GMT 2004 i686 Intel(R)
Celeron(R) CPU 2.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
cacofonix root # free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:        514408     509424       4984          0      65880
-/+ buffers/cache:     142892     371516
Swap:      1004052          0    1004052
cacofonix root #

it uses kapjods rtc plugin, and runs MOH. It queues calls and runs some

We have 7 users in the office, there is a good chance there is 3 calls
on the go at any one time.

Let me know if you need any other information

I am going to go to kapejods 4 bri card with kernel 2.6 - but I am
unsure wether this will follow me!



-----Original Message-----
From: James H. Cloos Jr. [mailto:cloos at jhcloos.com] 
Sent: 20 April 2004 13:43
To: Nick Knight
Cc: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] reboots

>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Knight <nick at omniis.com> writes:

Nick> What is the expected uptime for asterisk - assuming the
Nick> box has all the resources it needs.

Months.  You should only have to reboot for kernel updates and
restart * when updating it or (some parts of) its configuration.

Nick> I ask this because I have only to date seen max 9 days
Nick> which appears very low.

Something is definitely wrong with that box.  To diagnose
will require at least details on processor, kernel version,
distribution, asterisk version, and hardware installed.


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