[Asterisk-Users] Unabled to exit console

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Sun Apr 4 07:00:46 MST 2004

On 2004 Apr 03, at 22:55, Sean Cheesman wrote:
> Ryan Parlee wrote:
>> Okay, but if I do
>> /usr/sbin/asterisk
>> Then when I connect, using -r I don't get debugging information.  
>> Isn't
>> there a way to make asterisk deamonized and still get the -vvvv stuff
>> when you reconnect?
> just do -vvvvvvvr

Actually, -v does absolutely nothing with -r.  -r will simply reprint
all messages received through the Unix socket file.  -v only affects
Asterisk when it is started.


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