[Asterisk-Users] Direct connection to Packet8 without DTA

Hermann Wecke hermann at wecke.com
Sat Apr 3 21:38:34 MST 2004

I found some old messages regarding a possible pkt8 DTA "bypass". Anyone
is using Packet8 with Asterisk?


Got Softphone Working with Packet8
Friendly name: {Anything you'd like.}
SIP domain: packet8.net
SIP proxy: packet8.net
Leave everything else at the default.

When you login, it will ask for a username and password.
Username: {Your Packet8 phone number, including leading "1"}
Password: {The 10-digit PIN code they emailed you that you entered during activation.}



Stephen Davies wrote on Sun, 21 Mar 2004:
> But then Packet8 started sending emails complaining about my
> "foreign" UA software and threatening disconnection.



Stephen Davies wrote on Mon, 7 Apr 2003
> Test 4: outgoing call from * to my Packet8 account,
> SIP/1847xxxyyyy at packet8.net
> Packet8 will see this as a call from "outside" their network

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