[Asterisk-Users] A software FAX modem

Rainer Jochem rainer at graphics.cs.uni-sb.de
Fri Oct 24 08:35:23 MST 2003

On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 05:19:39PM +0200, sparc wrote:
> Hi all
> i just test the /Steve Underwood software fax modem
> it works with my CVS version of asterik ( 20 october 2003 )
> I can receive fax into tiff file :
> in my extension.conf , i put this line : exten => 
> fax,1,RxFAX(/home/steveu/testfax2.tif)
> and i can receive fax
> now my problem, is how can i do to send fax ?
> I cannot see how to send a fax .

If you want to send a fax, you first need a suitable
tiff-file. You can create such a file from a *.ps

 gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -dNOPAUSE \
                   -sOutputFile=letter.%03d letter.ps </dev/null 

This will produce a tiff-file for each sheet of the ps-file.
You can merge those several files to one tiff using

    tiffcp file1 file2 ... fileN out.tiff

To send a fax, you can add the following entry in your

    exten => 1234,1,txfax(/home/steveu/testfax.tif)

Then go to your fax machine, dial 1234 and you will receive
your fax (depending on your fax machine it might be neccessary
to hit the "start/dial" button again, if the asterisk answers). 
It should also be possible to send the fax straight
from asterisk, but currently I don't know how.



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