[Asterisk-Users] new codec for grandstreams

Leif Madsen leif at radiokaos.com
Wed Oct 22 21:08:23 MST 2003

   John Brown (CV) wrote:

> Grandstream and Global IP Sound have inked a deal in which
> Global IP Sound will provide its royalty free iLBC codec 
> to Grandstream.  GS will integrate this codec into the 
> BT and HT product lines

So I guess this means I should allow = ilbc then eh?

|Leif Madsen - http://www.hacklocalhost.com|
|    @| leif at hacklocalhost dot com      |
|  SMS| sms at hacklocalhost dot com       |
|  FWD| 18924          IAX| 1700-363-0761  |
|iptel| 8972-1969    sipph| 1-747-386-1618 |

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