[Asterisk-Users] Gastman

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Wed Oct 22 12:06:51 MST 2003

On Wednesday 22 October 2003 13:42, Lee Goodman wrote:
> Is there any documentation on Gastman? I have it working, but
> should it be able to read the existing extensions.conf file to
> populate the graphic screen or do you have to enter them by hand?

You have to enter them by hand.  Because Gastman is designed to run
remotely, it has no method of "seeing" extensions.conf.

> If you do, how can you save them so the icons will reload when you
> start gastman again?

It's already handled for you.  A directory called ".gastman" will be
placed in the home directory of the user who starts gastman; all
configuration files are stored there.


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