[Asterisk-Users] Best performing CPU for G.729 codec?

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 22 10:55:39 MST 2003

--- Chris Ziomkowski <cziom at jsg.co.th> wrote:
> At 09:19 AM 10/22/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >I hate to say it, but jumpping off into a 100 channel PBX is not
> >the way to go with Asterisk.  Build a 1x1 PBX first on an old
> >Pentium 500. get this to work then try adding SIP phones then
> >add some other features.  After you've spent some time you will
> >not need to ask the above.  In fact I'd say if you need to ask
> Guys,
> Thanks for all the helpful advice, but I think we're getting off
> topic.
> I have specific engineering requirements I have to meet. I can not
> change my problem space. I need a 30 user G.729 (not 100's)

Sorry, I read "30" and thought you ment "30 simulainius" calls
and figured that extensions are not off-hook 24x7 but more like
only 20% at most so figured 30 calls ment like 150 extensions.

The real problem is that you can't get at the source code for
G.729 but it is floating point based.  

Asterisk does use threads and so can take advantage of multi-CPU

I still say you should set up a system in your lab and _measure_.
the resource utilization.  
The licenses are only $10.00 just buy one for yourself and figure
you've spent $10 on self-education.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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