[Asterisk-Users] outbound caller ID problem on PRI

Alastair Maw asterisk at almaw.com
Tue Oct 14 18:57:08 MST 2003

I can't seem to hide and/or set my caller ID from *.

I'm using a quite recent (three weeks or so) CVS with an E400P card.
I have pridialplan=unknown in zapata.conf and I'm based in the UK.

The relevant bit of pri debug looks like this (reformatted to fit 80 
char width):

 > Calling Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 0
 >                           TON: Unknown Number Type (0)
 >                           NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)
 >                           Presentation: Unknown (67) '' ]

I'm dialing in from SIP outbound to Zap with a context like this:

   exten => _X.,1,SetCallerID("mxtelecom" <0845123456>)
   exten => _X.,2,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})

   exten => _X.,1,SetCallerID(0845123456|a)
   exten => _X.,2,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})

Equally doesn't work.

I've tried setting these in zapata.conf:
   callerid="foo" <0845123456>

No matter what I do, I get a default caller ID provided by my telco. If 
I prefix the number dialed with 141 (standard UK hide caller ID) the 
caller ID isn't presented to the end user, but this is an ugly kludge 
that I don't want to have to do. Ideally, I'd like to be able to set my 
callerID to an arbitrary number.

If I set pridialplan=national/international I can't work out what format 
the outbound calls numbers should take and get denied messages back.

Anyone have any ideas?

Alastair Maw
MX Telecom - Systems Analyst

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