[Asterisk-Users] chan_h323 - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

CW_ASN cw_asn at fibertel.com.ar
Mon Oct 13 10:48:00 MST 2003

Hi all:

I've got some core dumps when I use chan_h323. I dial an extension using
h323, routed thru an E100P (like a H323-ISDN_PRI gateway). Sometimes *
hangs, sometimes not. The client used for test es SjPhone

This is the data for one core dump:

(gdb) bt
#0  ast_rtp_get_us (rtp=0x0, us=0x5074759c) at rtp.c:790
#1  0x41f8879c in create_connection (call_reference=1349809548) at
#2  0x41f8f34b in
MyH323Connection::CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel(H323Capability const&,
H323Channel::Directions, unsigned, H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters
const*) (this=0x8178758, capability=@0x81920e8, dir=IsTransmitter,
    at ast_h323.cpp:626
#3  0x49470170 in H323RealTimeCapability::CreateChannel(H323Connection&,
H323Channel::Directions, unsigned, H245_H2250LogicalChannelParameters
const*) const () from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#4  0x4946071d in H245NegLogicalChannel::OpenWhileLocked(H323Capability
const&, unsigned, unsigned) ()
   from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#5  0x494604e6 in H245NegLogicalChannel::Open(H323Capability const&,
unsigned, unsigned) ()
   from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#6  0x49462423 in H245NegLogicalChannels::Open(H323Capability const&,
unsigned, unsigned) ()
   from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#7  0x4944d311 in H323Connection::OpenLogicalChannel(H323Capability const&,
unsigned, H323Channel::Directions) ()
   from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#8  0x4944cf98 in H323Connection::SelectDefaultLogicalChannel(unsigned) ()
from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#9  0x4944c9d2 in H323Connection::OnSelectLogicalChannels() () from
#10 0x4944c8b1 in H323Connection::InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck() ()
from /root/openh323/lib/libh323_linux_x86_r.so.1
#11 0x4944a6d1 in H323Connection::HandleControlData(PPER_Stream&) () from
#12 0x4944a28c in H323Connection::HandleControlChannel() () from
#13 0x494992ee in H245TransportThread::Main() () from
#14 0x48d33177 in PThread::PX_ThreadStart(void*) () from
#15 0x4003b2b6 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0

And this is the console log:

        == New H.323 Connection created.
        -- Received SETUP message...
        == Setting up Call
           -- Calling party name:  [Gustavo]
           -- Calling party number:  [1152880056]
           -- Called  party name:  [0111553037260]
           -- Called  party number:  [0111553037260]
e164: [0111553037263]
    -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$",
"Zap/1/0111553037260") in new stack
    -- Called 1/0111553037260
    -- Channel 1, span 1 got hangup
    -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
  == No one is available to answer at this time
        =*= In CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel for call 4096
                -- externalIpAddress:
                -- externalPort: 13488
                -- SessionID: 1
                -- Direction: IsTransmitter
         -- Started logical channel: sending G.711-ALaw-64k{sw}
                -- channelsOpen = 2
                -- remoteIpAddress:
                -- remotePort: 0
                -- ExternalIpAddress:
                -- ExternalPort: 13488
 -- Gustavo has stopped calling
        == H.323 Connection deleted.
 -- Gustavo has stopped calling
        == H.323 Connection deleted.
 -- Call with  ended abnormally
        == H.323 Connection deleted.
                channelsOpen = 1
        -- Closing logical channel...
                channelsOpen = 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root at noc2pbx2 asterisk]#

What is wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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