[Asterisk-Users] "context confusion" internal context 2 context only?

Ken Godee ken at perfect-image.com
Sat Oct 11 22:08:07 MST 2003

I'm trying to create several contexts for extentions with
different levels of access to features and I'm wondering
how the heck do I include all the contexts so that you
can call internal to any extention in another context without
giving the features of the higher level context to the lower
level context?

include => local
include => longdistance
include => international
include => services
exten => 104,1,Dial(Zap/20|20)
exten => 105 106 107......

include => local
include => longdistance
exten => 201,1,Dial(Zap/5|20)
exten => 202 203 204 .....

include => local
exten => 303,1,Dial(Zap/10|20)
exten => 304 305 .......

Extentions in lobby should be able to directly
call extentions in either admin or sales.
Using an include in local then gives lobby access to
ld,int.,services, etc.

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