[Asterisk-Users] Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs and...

Michael Bielicki Michael.Bielicki at Global-Gateway.net
Thu Oct 9 02:54:58 MST 2003

wan't to add DS3 and SS7 to that ?
also licensed g723.1 and working g729
softfax and softmodem

that's what comes to my mind on the spot ...

On Thursday 09 October 2003 9:51 am, John Todd wrote:
> Mythical Asterisk Creatures, oft-discussed, rarely seen:
> 1) An "advanced" graphical user interface
> 2) An IAX2 hardware device
> 3) A Radius CDR report module
> 4) A live-method, robust SQL-based dialplan
> 5) LDAP/SQL/Radius authentication for SIP phones
> 6) Robust R2 signalling support
> 7) Multilingual language recordings of all existing * .gsm files
> 8) Free exchange of PSTN gateways in a centralized routing arbiter model
> 9) Speech recognition support
> Care to add your own unicorns to the list?  I make no judgement nor
> do I cast aspersions on any of these items, but I seem to recall
> seeing comments about "I'm working on..." or "It would be really
> great if..." on all of these without seeing real evidence on any of
> them other than talk.  The only well-remembered myth I can say for
> certain that has been dispelled is the SCCP channel driver, and that
> has been moved out of "Loch Ness" status to "peer-reviewed" status.
> JT
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Michael Bielicki
Managing Director
TAAN Consultants Ltd


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