[Asterisk-Users] Xten X-lite codec problem ???

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 10:04:23 MST 2003

--- Areski <areski at e-group.org> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I trying to get working my xten (X-lite V2) working with Asterisk !!!
> It's working nice with my development server without nat but NO in my
> production server with "NAT=yes" !!!

I assume you say "NAY=yes" because there is a firewall.  How is your
firewall configured?  Does it forward the corect tcp/udp ports correctly?

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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