Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

Mark Spencer markster at
Thu Nov 20 07:39:38 MST 2003

> Amen!  While -dev and -users may be a little too sparse, perhaps adding a
> -business list would be beneficial for discussing those types of issues.
> However business-related issues are not so common at this point, so perhaps
> a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would be relevant?
> I agree that list fragmentation is a royal pain in the ass, but perhaps it
> is time to figure out just one more list to try and whittle down the
> traffic on -users.

So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we could
automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed it a

The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for a
new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
-newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.



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