[Asterisk-Users] MP3Player problem -repost

Areski areski at e-group.org
Mon Nov 17 05:39:20 MST 2003

Hi all,

Finally, I replaced the version of mpg123 by the last one (0.59r) and now it's
working well to play local mp3 file...

Well, now I m trying to stream a no-local file in my AGI script:
EXEC MP3Player \"http://digitaljukebox.com/Carta.mp3\"

I tried like that but that doesn't work ;(

I tried also to enter directly this instruction:
mpg123 -w ki.wav http://digitaljukebox.com/Carta.mp3
And I get :
HTTP request failed: HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">

The file exist, I get do a wget on it... 
Some ideas how to get it working ???

Thanks in advance,

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