[Asterisk-Users] Updated Asterisk-NL

Cees de Groot cg at tric.nl
Mon Nov 17 00:57:00 MST 2003

I have updated the voice prompts (mostly small fixes, but still work
left to be done - however, it's usable now, I'd say) and the patch file
(to current CVS) for Asterisk-in-Dutch. As far as I can tell, all of the
grammar work is now in - if anyone has feedback to share, please do so
before I spend lots of time cleaning up the patches so they can be
integrated back.




Cees de Groot               http://www.tric.nl     <cg at tric.nl>
tric, the new way           helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, 
                            web applications, custom development

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