[Asterisk-Users] Your thoughts..

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Sun Nov 16 07:34:13 MST 2003

> I think there are two ways of doing it.. Either I can create an AGI that
> will run on the "h" extension and will lookup the last entry that
> matches the account code of the call that just ended in the MySQL CDR
> and calculate the call cost immediately..

Use the database.  I'd recommend Postgres myself but to each their own.

> What will the issues be if the Master.csv is being updated at the exact
> moment my cron job tries to move it? is there any file locking or a
> method of delaying Asterisk's write or the cron's move operation till
> the file is availible?

Cheat.  do this:

mv Master.csv Master.old
	sleep 1
	fuser Master.old > /dev/null
while [ $? -eq 0 ]

when you mv a file (within the same filesystem) you don't change its inode; 
if * is accessing the file it notices nothing.  Now you simply wait for * 
to close the file (man fuser) and it's all yours, since * will create 
Master.csv if it can't find it.  I throw the sleep in there simply to be 
nice to the system.

Seriously though, if you're gonna be throwing this into a database anyway, 
why not store it there in the first place??


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