[Asterisk-Users] asterisk solution.

Sean P. Robertson spr at netxusa.com
Thu Nov 13 15:29:09 MST 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Bradwell" <sbradwell at isense.ca>
>We have a Avia Difinity G3R to a Avia EPN connected through 2 dedicated
>T1 dsics, can I use an Asterisk solution to replace the T1's? If so can
>anyone give me feedback on what components I should be looking into to
>help me get started?

I know a fair amount about Definitys, but nothing about the EPN.  Can you
tell me if the EPN networks with the Definity the same way that another
Definity or a Magix switch would; using the T-1s to create point-to-point

If this is the case, the answer is yes, it can be done, but Avaya uses
proprietary D-Channel messages to do things like message waiting lights so,
unless the Asterisk can be made to tunnel messages that it does not
understand to a predetermined endpoint, some functionality would be lost.  I
have done this with PRI VoIP gateways, but never with Asterisk.



Sean Robertson

p. 800-289-6389
f.  864-233-4344                  "Ask me about Voice over IP."

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