[Asterisk-Users] ESQL & ODBC (was MySQL Licence may be changing.esql)
Chris Albertson
chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 13 11:23:09 MST 2003
There are any number of ODBC libraries available for UNIX/Linux.
I'd say ODBC has _better_ support under UNIX then under MS Windows
There are both Open Source and comercial ODBC implementations.
Go to "google", "freshmeat.net" or source fourge and try some
searches and see what turns up. The hard part will be the
_time_ it takes you to evaluate all of them and select what's
best. Go to the postgresql.org site and you can hunt down some
ODBC stuff too.
There s now an easy point and click way to build a GUI, web based
ODBC application. Just get Open Office and use the html editor
to build a form and you can connect it to a DBMS via ODBC. and
te result will be completley cross platform.
There is another cross-DBMS interface with even longer history
then ODBC. That's embedded SQL. A lot of programmers will
directly call the MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle library interface
functions from their C code. This is NOT the best design.
THere is an ANSI standard way to call a DBMS from C that is
supported by most DBMSes called "embedded SQL" or ESQL and has
been used for at least 10 or maybe 15 years now. esql is
very "clean" in that the results of a query are stuffed directly
into " variables and the SQL querries are in-lined with the
C code. esql seems to "mostly" just work when you change
databases. All of the largescale DBMSes suport esql.
Still ODBC works too. and ODBC will "talk" to data source that
do not do SQL. So you could have a flat file or LDAP used
for the back end. whereas esql is tied to the SQL DBMS.
--- "Robert G. Werner" <rwerner at brandxnet.com> wrote:
> Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Fresno CA, Adam Hart, spoke these words:
> > Prehaps a novel thought but what about ODBC for asterisk? Isn't
> that the
> > whole idea of standards and such, stop adding support for every db
> and just
> > have odbc?
> >
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> ODBC is not well supported on UNIX. You have to have the connector
> software, as well as the ODBC libs.
> --
> Robert G. Werner
> rwerner at brandxnet.com
> x5204, ICQ #311363925
> Udall's Fourth Law:
> Any change or reform you make is going to have consequences you
> don't like.
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Chris Albertson
Home: 310-376-1029 chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
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