[Asterisk-Users] FWD codecs?
Kevin Bockman
kbockml at techemail.com
Tue Nov 11 13:39:07 MST 2003
--- James H.Cloos Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com> wrote:
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Bockman <kbockml at techemail.com> writes:
Kevin> Hi. There is not much info on the FWD site about this.
Kevin> What codecs do they use?
>FWD only supports G711. (a-law or ยต-law). Jeff's prior experiences
>trying to support low-bandwidth codecs has convinced him that only
>711 over broadband (or equiv) has any chance of being supportable
>and Just Working.
Oh. I see. Starts to make sense now. I was dialing through the console when I got it to work. I was trying to dial through Gnophone via IAX to Asterisk then SIP to FWD so I bet it's trying to force GSM which FWD doesn't allow. Makes sense now. I'll try to dial through the console again and through SJPhone -> Asterisk -> FWD. I haven't gotten that far yet.
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