[Asterisk-Users] OT: sox/gsm weirdness

David C. Troy dave at toad.net
Mon Nov 10 11:32:13 MST 2003

Attempting to play with .gsm files generated by Monitor application, along 
the lines of what bkw suggested for merging channel files (reverse each 
channel, merge those, then reverse the merged file).  Anyway, that all 
makes perfect sense.

The problem I have is with sox or with the .gsm files * created:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        47487 Nov 10 12:45 call5-in.gsm

sox call5-in.gsm call5-in-rev.gsm reverse

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         5066 Nov 10 13:11 call5-in-rev.wav

It's truncating the reverse file severely; when played back it's about 2
seconds of what should be 15-20 second file, nowhere near the whole thing.  
I tried adding 'silence 0', thinking it might be chopping off some silence
somewhere but get the same thing.

Wondered if anyone else had seen this and/or what their workaround/fix 
was.  Am running latest sox compiled from source (sox.sourceforge.net).


David C. Troy   [dave at toad.net]                   410-384-2500 Sales
ToadNet - Want to go fast?                        410-544-1329 FAX
570 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park, MD 21146-2925  www.toad.net

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