[Asterisk-Users] 5 Channel / Trunk ??

dpobanz at hastingsutilities.com dpobanz at hastingsutilities.com
Thu Nov 6 21:21:06 MST 2003

Quoting PBX <pbx at tuxnetworking.com>:
> Ok.. To my understanding / memory DID only supports inbound calls.  If
> this is the case would you use DNIS vs DID?

Yes, DID is only for inbound calls. Our local telco can set up the trunks as
DID/DOD (direct inward dial/direct outward dial). I would imagine that your
telco could do the same. So, order the trunks as DID/DOD. 

ANI is caller ID for digial trunks. So it would not have anything to do with
directing where the call should go. It would show where the call came from. 

DNIS is used to identify the dialed number. I don't really understand this but
believe it would be used if an 800 number is dialed and then forwarded to a
different number. If you have multiple 800 numbers, it would should which was
dialed. I don't think you need to be concerned about DNIS (though I could be
wrong ;>))

Hope this helps. 

Don Pobanz

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