[Asterisk-Users] The Minimum Cost of Setting up an Asterisk Phone System?

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 5 17:17:48 MST 2003

My answer is "zero", see below

--- Adam Hart <adam at teragen.com.au> wrote:
> >The fantastically low prices of using gnophones on existing systems
> is
> >only available IF: 
> >             1. Your desktops are all running linux
> >             2. Your sound cards are compatible with linux/gnophone
> >       (for me, the sound cards/systems seem to be the
> >        stumblingblock/hurdle to get past!)
> Soft phones won't/shouldn't replace normal desk phones, imo.

You can use soft phones on MS Windows desk tops with Asterisk.
the xten X-Lite is free and works well (www.xten.com)  So #1
and #2 above need not apply.

If you want to get the price even lower you can
subscribe to a service that will provide you a PSTN number and
forward it to you using VOIP.  This means you don't need an
FXO or T1 interface.  (And you can loose the local telco
along with their monthly bill)
If you can re-cycle an older desktop PC
the total cost of an Asterisk PBX of _any_ size is ZERO.
I think this is about as low as it gets.

OK, Not quite realistic because:
  1) Users _hate_ soft phones
  2) Soft phones do need hardware, at least a microphone or
  3) You may need access to 911 (but you could use a cell
     phone for that can't you?)

For a specialized application like a customer service call
center where all the users sit in front of computers
and where headsets all day long a VOIP-only, zero cost
system might work.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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