IAX2 Java library (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] New IAX software phone (for WIndows platform))

Alastair Maw asterisk at almaw.com
Mon Nov 3 12:49:49 MST 2003

On 03/11/03 18:02, Alastair Maw wrote:
>>> I'm implementing a Java-based IVR server (and yes, I know Asterisk does
>>> IVR, and no, it's not flexible enough to do what I want and no, it
>>> doesn't integrate well with the Java systems we have, etc. hence my
>>> doing this).
>> Are you mad?  What is not flexable enough for you? Java knows what 
>> STDIN and STDOUT is, right?  What more do you need?
> There are other reasons, but I haven't the time to explain right now. 
> The above are the most important.

Additionally, I'd like to spread the load across two machines - one for 
the PSTN/SIP/IAX routing and one for the IVR software.

Alastair Maw
MX Telecom

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