[Asterisk-Users] Voicemail2

Dave Packham dave.packham at utah.edu
Thu May 22 08:01:31 MST 2003

Using voicemail2 I dont get attachments anymore.  its config says to attach.  am I missing something?
 I updated the conf file to the new style and am using default VM contect

any ideas?

[root at asterisk asterisk]# cat voicemail.conf 
; Voicemail Configuration
; Default formats for writing Voicemail
; Who the e-mail notification should appear to come from
;serveremail=asterisk at linux-support.net
; Should the email contain the voicemail as an attachment
; Maximum length of a voicemail message
; Maximum length of greetings
; How many miliseconds to skip forward/back when rew/ff in message playback
; How many seconds of silence before we end the recording
; Silence threshold (what we consider silence, the lower, the more sensitive)
; Max number of failed login attempts

; Each mailbox is listed in the form <mailbox>=<password>,<name>,<email>,<pager_email>,<options>
; if the e-mail is specified, a message will be sent when a message is
; received, to the given mailbox. If pager is specified, a message will be sent there as well.
70950 => 1432,Dave Packham,dave at u.e,8014 at mobile.att.net
70951 => 1234,Corey Winn,cwinn at u.e,8019 at mobile.att.net
;4200 => 9855,Mark Spencer,markster at linux-support.net,mypager at digium.com,attach=no|serveremail=myaddy at digium.com
;4300 => 3456,Ben Rigas,ben at american-computer.net
;4310 => 5432,Sales,sales at marko.net
;4069 => 6522,Matt Brooks,matt at marko.net
;4110 => 3443,Rob Flynn,rflynn at blueridge.net

; Mailboxes may be organized into multiple contexts for
; voicemail virtualhosting

1234 => 5678,Company2 User,root at localhost

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