[Asterisk-Users] SIP Peers unreachable

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Fri May 2 10:33:11 MST 2003

I would suggest firing up "tethereal port 5060" on the command line 
in a different window and see if your SIP requests are making it to 
the destination device when you create a call.  If you don't have 
tethereal, get the "ethereal" packages and install them.

Remove the "qualify" lines until you get things working.

Launch asterisk with "asterisk -vvvgc" to look at some additional 
debugging information when attempting to dial.

What happens when you dial 444 from one of your phones?


>Hi Everyone,
>I'm new to * and I'm trying to setup a small configuration of SIP clients.
>Eventually when I get this working I plan on expanding with a Digium
>developers kit to add analog phones and PSTN access.
>My two end points are an Xten softphone and a Mitel 5055 SIP phone. Both
>peers seem to register with * but I cannot call to one another. When I dial
>the associated extension, the call goes to the programmed voicemail
>extension (busy) yet if I create an extension to call out through the proxy
>(IX66), I can still reach my destination. It's just calling within * there
>is a problem. I suspect it's because the status is unreachable but I'm not
>sure how to fix it.
>Here is the sip show peers output.
>Name/username    Host                 Mask             Port     Status
>sipset/sipset    (D)  5060     UNREACHABLE
>sippc/sippc    (D)  5060     UNREACHABLE
>Here is the sip.conf settings:
>port = 5060
>bindaddr =
>context = default
>register => 9055551212 at somewhere.homeip.net
>Here is the extensions.conf settings:
>exten => 421,1,Dial(SIP/sipset) 	  ; Mitel 5055 SIP Phone
>exten => 421,2,Voicemail(u421)
>exten => 421,102,Voicemail(b421)
>exten => 422,1,Dial(SIP/sippc) 	  ; Xten client
>exten => 422,2,Voicemail(u422)
>exten => 422,102,Voicemail(b422)
>exten => 444,1,Dial(SIP/tony at somewhere.homeip.net)  ; friends MSN (4.6)
>account registered to IX66
>These are the console messages when I dial 421 from 422
>     -- Executing Dial("SIP/sippc-b5f6", "SIP/sipset") in new stack
>   == Everyone is busy at this time
>     -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/sippc-b5f6", "b421") in new stack
>   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf':   == Parsing
>'/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found
>     -- Playing 'vm-theperson'
>     -- Playing 'digits/4'
>     -- Playing 'digits/2'
>     -- Playing 'digits/1'
>     -- Playing 'vm-isonphone'
>     -- Playing 'vm-intro'
>   == Spawn extension (default, 421, 102) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sippc-b5f6'
>Any help is appreciated.
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>Asterisk-Users at lists.digium.com

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