XML + Asterisk (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] PHP Gui for Asterisk (AGI questions))

Stefano Finetti ssfinetti at lynxautomotive.it
Tue Mar 18 10:00:43 MST 2003


I really didn't mean to create this kind of discussion ;-)

Anyway, i think that the best way without having Mark change something in *,
to make the php script that can with an appropriate set of classes, able to
read the extensions.conf and the voicemail.conf and to use temporary files
for editing and only if the amendments are confirmed, write down the new
extensions.conf in the * format.

I don't like XML for *, and the problem with MySQL is just a "real-time" or
"not-real-time"  updating problem.

I think i'll have php and mysql work to store extensions data at given
times, and the php will be able to read from mysql the extensions, write in
Mysql the amendments and, at given times, syncronize the files (to be
flagged "modified" by php).

Stefano Finetti
Technical Coordinator
Lynx Automotive srl
ssfinetti at lynxautomotive.it
Tel: 199 79 79 30
Fax: 02 233 227 934
Linux Registered User #271978

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