[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk against 3 Com NBX 100 and Siemens HiPath 3700/3750

Mark Street mstreet at gracie.santarosa.edu
Mon Jun 30 19:07:02 MST 2003

My new company is going to enter a bid competing with 3Com and Siemens 
solutions from others.

Voice service is a PRI T-1 with a block of 100 DID numbers, a second T1 that 
will carry Integrated voice/data, 12 voice/768K for redundency.

I asked this a week or two ago, now I have more details.

Best/$ channel banks that work with Asterisk and Best deal on phones...  16 
business, 34 basic IP phones, attendant console?

Think we can beat 3Com and Siemens???

Mark Street, D.C.
Red Hat Certified Engineer
Cert# 807302251406074
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.streetchiro.com/pubkey.asc

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