[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream BudgeTone - opinions??
Brancaleoni Matteo
mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Sat Jun 21 02:40:25 MST 2003
We've bought 20 of them (102) for a customer, and planning to use them
as our cheap sip phone solution.
However, here my answers:
> What is the voice quality like using alaw/ulaw or G.729??
Never tried g729, with alaw / ulaw is perfect. Too bad they still don't
have gsm...
> Are there any problems getting them to play nicely with Asterisk??
Nope. I get them working is few minutes (just the time to create
a sip.conf entry and configure the phone via the web interface).
> How sturdy is the construction (reciever, handset, buttons, cable connections, etc..) ??
I think is pretty ok, beside the body of the phone, seems to be to be
too much light... I prefer a stable and a bit heavy phone body.
Buttons are big, so very easy to 'click' them, cables seems ok.
> How do they compare to the SNOM phones?? (I have used a SNOM 200)
The price is much less ;)
The snom is more heavy (so more stable on your desk), have
a better manager interface, more lines, and gsm ! Also is black.
Oh, also more ring tones ;)
Beside that, the budgetone is ok for most uses. The lightweight
body isn't a real problem, and in general is nice to see.
Has some software issues too, like that it lacks supervised
transfer (but that's going to be fixed), and I got problems
with rfc2833 dtmf (being double recognized by asterisk. Switching
to inband solved that). I'm now using the latest firmware
available on grandstream website. However, these're
things that could (and will) be solved via updates.
> And anything else you can think of... :)
The firmware update process is very easy (the snom update is a little
more complicated), but lacks a central configuration (that's very
useful when you have many phones on a lan), or at least it should
be able to have a central configuration via tftp, but didn't find
any docs 'bout that.
Also it has echo canceller (g165/g168) ;-)
In general , they're very valuable phones, where the most important
work they must do is to make and receive calls , and no fancy
functions are needed ;)
> Thanks..
de nada
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