[Asterisk-Users] Testing two E400P with E1 cross-cable

Carlos Carús carlos.carus at alisys.net
Wed Jun 11 05:03:24 MST 2003


I have the chance to play with a couple of E400P cards, each installed 
in a IBM e330 XSeries servers (2 x 1GHz P-III CPU 2 Gb RAM, 36Gb SCSI 
HDD with RH8.0 2.4.18-smp kernel), and I'm trying to test/benchmark this 
e330/E400P combo generating calls thru /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing

One e400P if doing  the carrier work making calls and the other just 
receives the calls:

Server#1                        Server#2
 caller                          callee
+-------+                       +-------+
| Span1 |--E1 crossover cable-->| Span1 |
| Span2 |--E1 crossover cable-->| Span2 |
| Span3 |--E1 crossover cable-->| Span3 |
| Span4 |--E1 crossover cable-->| Span4 |
+-------+                       +-------+

The basic configuration seems ok, since zttool shows the links are OK.

I'm using this UTP cat5 cross-cable (not shielded):
pin1 <--> pin4
pin2 <--> pin5
pin3 <--> pin6
pin4 <--> pin1
pin5 <--> pin2
pin6 <--> pin3
pin5 <--> pin8
pin8 <--> pin7

I'm not really sure this is correct, since I've found only how to 
connect pins 1,2,4 and 5. The other pins are connected as I supposed it 
should be.

This is my zapata.conf:

Server#1 zapata.conf (Server#2 has the same zapata.conf but pri_net is 

 rxwink=300        ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks

 channel => 1-15
 channel => 17-31
 channel => 32-46
 channel => 48-62
 channel => 63-77
 channel => 79-93
 channel => 94-108
 channel => 110-124

To generate calls, I've done a small C proggie that generates files in 
/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ like this one (filename and callerid are 
different for each call):

 Channel: Zap/g1
 Context: default
 Extension: s
 Priority: 1
 Callerid: 55512345

The Dialplans are simple...caller machine just plays a 3 minutes gsm and 
loops, and the callee machine dilaplan launches an AGI that plays some 
gsm, records 20 secs of the call and hangups the call.

Server#1  (caller) extensions.conf

exten => s,1,PlayBack(laxana)
exten => s,2,Goto(s,1)
exten => t,1,hangup
exten => i,1,hangup
exten => o,1,hangup
exten => h,1,hangup

Server#2 (callee) extensions.conf
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Agi,600agi
exten => s,3,hangup
exten => t,1,hangup
exten => i,1,hangup
exten => o,1,hangup
exten => h,1,hangup

Everything works pretty well with just 1 call, but my goal is to 
generate a much high number (a queue of +50.000 calls), but I've run 
into some problems...

If I try to generate 120 simultaneous calls (top of lines available with 
my 4 E1), I get a lot of errors in the logs.
I've tried to sleep(1) the begining of each call, and now I can only 
generate a maximum of 60~80 simultaneous calls. Could it be due to a 
cross-over cable problem or maybe the server can't deal with it?

Btw, asterisk gets 100% of all available CPU (user CPU) for 10~20 
seconds and then it keeps about 80% CPU usage....

Thas's just a portion of the asterisk log:
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 67 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 68 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 69 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[90124]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Short write: -1/16 (Unknown error 500)
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[90124]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Short write: -1/20 (Unknown error 500)
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[90124]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Read on 138 failed: Unknown error 500
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 70 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Short write: -1/20 (Unknown error 500)
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 71 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Short write: -1/16 (Unknown error 500)
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got reject for frame 67, retransmitting frame 72 
now, updating n_r!
Jun 11 13:12:16 WARNING[81931]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5341 
(zt_pri_error): PRI: Short write: -1/20 (Unknown error 500)

Any suggestion, ideas, help very much appreciated.

Best Regards!!
Carlos Carús
Ingeniero de Sistemas
carlos.carus at alisys.net <mailto:carlos.carus at alisys.net>
Alisys Software
Alisys Software, S.L.
Edificio Lexington - C/ Orense, 85
28020 MADRID
Tfno.: 985175935 - 915678474
Fax: 915714244
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