[Asterisk-Users] Loop Drop on vpb/1-7

Martin Atukunda matlads at dsmagic.com
Mon Jul 28 04:17:52 MST 2003

Hi list,

anyone know what is going on here?
I don't get any sound from the out clip & I get the following when I dial in 
to asterisk (after which it just times out):

    --  Event [0=>[06] Ring] on vpb/1-7
    -- Executing Wait("vpb/1-7", "2") in new stack
 Read_channel ##  vpb/1-7: Setting record mode, bridge = 0
    -- Executing Answer("vpb/1-7", "") in new stack
    -- Executing BackGround("vpb/1-7", "out") in new stack
    -- Playing 'out'
    --  Event [12=>[06] Loop Drop] on vpb/1-7

exten => s,1,Wait,2
exten => s,2,Answer
exten => s,3,Background(out)

exten => 1,1,Background(test)
exten => 2,1,Background(bb/Segment1)
exten => 3,1,Goto(sms,s,3)
exten => 4,1,AGI,record.agi
exten => 4,2,Hangup

type = v6pci
cards = 1

echocancel = on
board = 1
context = vpbtest

mode = fxo
channel = 7
channel = 8

mode = immediate
channel = 9
channel = 10
channel = 11
channel = 12

voicetronix OS6

- Martin -

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