[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7960g

Yifang Dai daiy at attbi.com
Fri Jul 25 18:48:47 MST 2003

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 06:50:41PM +0200, Siggi Langauf wrote:
> There's not much to it: just configure * as an H.323 gateway in
> CallManager for the appropriate extensions.
> If you need to route calls from * to CCM, just use something like
> Dial(OH323/callto:${EXTEN}@callmanager.your-domain.com)
> in /etc/Asterisk/extensions.conf.
> ${EXTEN} is the CallManager extension you're going to dial, and
> callmanager.your-domain.com is the CCM's host name (IP address is safer.)
> The * part is a bit trickier: I had to use current CVS versions of both
> asterisk and openh323/pwlib. Moreover, the H323 channel driver that comes
> with asterisk will _not_ work with CCM. (It requires an older version of
> openh323, and it will send voice Data to the call manager instead of the
> telephone, which makes it 'one way'.)
> The current 0.5.3 release of Michael's OH323 channel driver
> (http://www.inaccessnetworks.com/projects/asterisk-oh323/) works fine.

I've successfully flashed 2 7940 with sip image, they can now talk to
asterisk pbx, call each other, vm etc. 

Now I'd like to get them talking to CCM via asterisk through the oh323


exten => 6107,1,Wait,2
exten => 6107,2,Dial(OH323/callto:${EXTEN}@

But I'm getting seg fault when I dial 6107 from one of the 7940...

    -- Executing Wait("SIP/1802-89ad", "2") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/1802-89ad", "OH323/callto:6107 at")
in new stack
WrapH323Connection::WrapH323Connection: WrapH323Connection created.
    -- Called callto:6107 at
  8:00.092          H225 Caller:81303e0 H225    No Q931 User-User
Information Element,
Raw PDU:
  08 02 99 b3 6e 27 01 f1  4c 05 80 36 31 31 31      ....n'..L..6111
Q.931 PDU:
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 6579
    from = destination
    messageType = <110>
    IE: 0x27 (39) = {
      f1                                                 .
    IE: Connected-Number = {
      80 36 31 31 31                                     .6111
  8:00.381          H225 Caller:81303e0 H225    Received connect PDU.
PAsteriskAudioDelay::PAsteriskAudioDelay: Object initialized.
PAsteriskAudioDelay::PAsteriskAudioDelay: Object initialized.
PAsteriskSoundChannel::PAsteriskSoundChannel: Object initialized.
PAsteriskAudioDelay::PAsteriskAudioDelay: Object initialized.
PAsteriskAudioDelay::PAsteriskAudioDelay: Object initialized.
PAsteriskSoundChannel::PAsteriskSoundChannel: Object initialized.
    -- H323:6579 answered SIP/1802-89ad
Segmentation fault

Did I miss something? This looks like CCM and asterisk at least
exchanged some packets...Any thoughts?

P.S. I've also setup the gateway, and route pattern in CCM, thanks to Siggi's
instruction. The next step is to get CCM to pass calls to asterisk via h323,
don't know if I'll succeed or not... oh, well, one problem
at a time ! 

Yifang Dai		 |
eFax: (847)628-0255      |    Debian GNU/Linux
yifang_dai at yahoo.com     |    

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