[Asterisk-Users] Text to Speech - Someone needs to do this

Moshe Yudkowsky speech at pobox.com
Wed Jul 16 10:35:59 MST 2003

At 10:11 2003-07-16 -0700, Chris Albertson wrote:

>if you want a synthetic voice to sound
>natural you will have to tell the software the _intent_ of the words
>not just the words.  You would need a markup language for that
><emph> I </emph> said <quote><questionword> yes </quote></questionword>

The W3C has a TTS markup language, SSML, 
<http://www.w3.org/TR/speech-synthesis/>. However, SSML is not a _semantic_ 
markup language. SSML gives directives about prosidy and pronunciation.

 > And don't put down festival.  Many (most?) of the comercial systems
>_are_ festival.

I am not putting down Festival. However, I don't believe that many or most 
commercial systems are based on Festival.

I think we should take any further discussion off-list.


  Moshe Yudkowsky
  2952 W Fargo
  Chicago, IL 60645 USA


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