[Asterisk-Users] voicemail instructions

Florian Overkamp florian at obsimref.com
Wed Jul 16 04:56:45 MST 2003


I've been playing with Voicemail and Voicemail2 a bit for my users, and 
there are a few things I'm wondering about:

- We can specify parameters to the mailbox (s, b or u) to select which 
prompts to play. However, if we specify 'b' or 'u' it plays that 
(customisable) message, but it also plays the voicemail instructions. For 
the dutch, it is customary that a user creates their own message which 
includes 'please leave your message after the tone' or similar, so the 
generic message is undesirable (or should be override-able). Is there 
something in the apps I've missed that allows this already ?

- In voicemailmain2 there is no option in the menu that allows creating 
your own messages (in fact, option 3 is defunct). Is this in the coming, or 
am I missing more stuff ?


Met vriendelijke groet,
Florian Overkamp
ObSimRef BV (http://www.obsimref.com/) 

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