[Asterisk-Users] Conditional Contexts

Derek Beaumont dbeaumont at telantek.com
Tue Jul 15 10:09:22 MST 2003

I should have known that ... duh.
Thanks for the help


Il mar, 2003-07-15 alle 18:52, Derek Beaumont ha scritto:
> Follow up question:
> Could you explain the following line:
> exten => s,4,GotoIf(${notte}?5:6)
> I really don't know what ?5:6 means.

*CLI> show application GotoIf

  -= Info about application 'GotoIf' =-

  Conditional goto

  GotoIf(Condition?label1:label2): Go to label 1 if condition is
true, to label2 if condition is false. Either label1 or label2 may be
omitted (in that case, we just don't take the particular branch) but not
both.  Look for the condition syntax in examples or documentation.

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