[Asterisk-Users] msn

Florian Overkamp florian at obsimref.com
Mon Jul 7 23:57:35 MST 2003

At 14:23 8-7-2003 +0800, you wrote:
>hi guys,
>have any of you guys managed to use msn messenger to authenticate with 
>asterisk using its DNS name? based on my experience with other sip 
>proxies, msn will not authenticate if it sees a different realm than the 
>realm of the client. one workaround i did was to edit the chan_sip.c to 
>send a pre-defined realm, and also edit the Contact: field. after this, 
>asterisk would send a 401 to the register message, at this point, i'm 
>quite stuck. i also noticed that the nonce field is randdata? compared to 
>iptel.org's ser and vovida's vocal. i notice a lot of difference on the 
>sip messages composition. i'm running 0.4.0.

There was someting about using loginname at asterisk as the sign-in name to 
indicate the proper realm, but you would have to experiment a little, since 
I fail to remember the exact details - sorry :P

Met vriendelijke groet,
Florian Overkamp
ObSimRef BV (http://www.obsimref.com/) 

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