[Asterisk-Users] Problems with Ring Detection

Jon Pounder JonP at inline.net
Tue Feb 25 10:59:16 MST 2003

At 11:43 AM 2/25/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>You probably have low ring voltage on your line.  Test it, and complain
>to your telco if that's the problem.  It should be somewhere around 90VAC.
>So it is your intention to allow an inactive caller to tie up your line?
>I think this may also be related to line voltage, however.

I have similar problems, and asterisk seems to have real trouble 
determining a ring when the cadence varies. Cadence 2 is interpreted as 2 
rings for example. I find when the first ring is a partial ring this is the 
real problem (why in this day of computers there are partial rings ever I 
have no idea)

What is the exact status of cadence detection in asterisk now ? Can it be 
used to determine the context of an incoming call yet ? (reliably)

>On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 11:22:21AM -0600, John Lange wrote:
> > We have a system with dual X100P cards attached to regular POT lines.
> >
> > About 50% of the time the X100P fails to detect a call on the first ring
> > and therefore misses the caller-id information. Is there any way to
> > tweak the x100P so it does a better job of ring detection?
> >
> > As a secondary problem, if you call our line, let it ring once and then
> > hangup, Asterisk picks up the phone (getting a dialtone because there is
> > no call) and leaves the line open forever (our dialplan loops on
> > timeout). Is there a way to have Asterisk detect a dialtone on an
> > incoming call and hangup if it finds one? Or some other solution to this
> > issue?
> >
> > As a work around I've simply changed the dialplan so it hangs up on
> > timeout but that isn't what we really want.
> >
> > --
> > John Lange <lists at darkcore.net>
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