[Asterisk-Users] Problem running asterisk
chiardon at cable.net.co
chiardon at cable.net.co
Sat Feb 22 18:36:30 MST 2003
Hi Martin
we are the people from Colombia that have buyed the full developers kit.
we used all the code that you suggested for this kit but nothing works. .
. we can't get asterisk running.
Now we atre trying to do the probes through one incoming line and 2
extensions but we can't get any funtionning . . . the some questions:
• we need to use other configuration?
• wich it could be?
• we must have all the hardware to complete the 8 incoming lines and tha
16 extensions or we can with the configuration that you suggested operate
the one line and two extensions??
• wich other aspects we must check before get some functionning with our
first test?
Please help us to get the system working because all our commercial
performance depend on a correct test and subsequent good instalation.
Thanks in advance.
Jorge Cardona
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