[Asterisk-Users] Motorola to use Linux

Brett Schwarz brett_schwarz at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 19 16:46:49 MST 2003

--- Chris Albertson <chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com>

> One use for VoIP on a cell phone (or VoIP in
> general) is that you
> can encrypt the data going over the link making an
> end to end secure
> voice link.  Usfull if you are a big time drug
> dealer maybe?

Actually, the digital radio (cdma, gsm) data
interfaces are already encrypted. However, I am not
sure how strong of encryption it is, and I think it
only affects the radio network. So, you would have to
check to see if the connection between the radio
network and the internet is encrypted. For mobile to
mobile calls that stay in the same radio network (i.e.
if the asterisk machine was within the provider's 
private network), you would be ok I believe.


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