[Asterisk-Users] Comments on "transfer" feature request
John Todd
jtodd at loligo.com
Wed Feb 19 01:37:17 MST 2003
Feature request: Add the ability for the "T" and "t" suffixes in a
Dial command to call an extension directly (if specified) instead of
going only to the hardcoded "transfer" command.
Feature request: Flash events, when presented inside of an existing
call, will call a pre-specified extension just like the "T" and "t"
request above, but perhaps with a different letter ("f")
Transfer extension flexibility:
I'd like to jump to an extension (or context?) when a transfer
trigger is pressed/used. Notably, flash-hooks and DTMF tones. If,
as an example, my user hits flash from within a call, I'd like to
have a voice announcement say "Press 1 to transfer this call to
sales, press 2 to play a howling monkey, etc."
I've read the manuals about using "#" as a transfer button; that's
half of the battle - instead of jumping to a hardcoded "Transfer?"
voice prompt, can the "T" suffix in a Dial instead call an extension
directly, without the user entering it? This would do what I want,
which is provide a little more flexibility in how one moves calls
The trick is, I suppose, twisting some (a lot?) of logic around
such that one party would be controlling the destination for the
other party (to which they were just connected a second ago.) In
order to do this, one would have to create some sort of automatic
park/unpark method and an application that would handle that.
Why do I request this? Because nobody, ever EVER has phone lists
beside them. They complain bitterly that the phone system isn't
user-friendly. They can't even remember that "0" gets them the
operator. The more I can do to spoon-feed things to them with
pre-recorded instructions, the better off I am.
A theoretical snippet from extensions.conf:
exten => 3444,1,Dial(${MYDESK},10,T[3000])
exten => 3000,s,Background(bigfatIVRfilewithtwoverbalizedoptions)
exten => 1,1,ReconnectPark
exten => 1,2,Dial(${SOMEWHERE1},10)
exten => 2,1,ReconnectPark
exten => 2,2,Dial(${SOMEOTHERPLACE},10)
First-Person example:
1) Someone ends up at extension 3444, and MYDESK phone rings. I talk
with them. I hit the "#" key.
2) The other party is parked in a (random?) unoccupied park area.
3) I am transferred to extension 3000 (should this be a context, or
just an extension?)
4) I go through a menu selection based on what is in my pre-built recording
5) At some point, I decide where I want to send the caller, based on
what I hear in the menu
6) I press the digit(s) for the appropriate
7) A new application, called "ReconnectPark" is called. This pulls
the parked call out of the holding tank and then the next priority is
run with that call as the "caller", and away they go.
8) I don't quite know what to do with my end of the conversation; it
seems a bit rude just to hang up. Perhaps another optional extension
for post-transfer, like this?
exten => 3444,1,Dial($MYDESK},10,T[3000:3999])
exten => 3000,s,Background(bigfatIVRfilewithtwoverbalizedoptions)
exten => 1,1,ReconnectPark
exten => 1,2,Dial(${SOMEWHERE1},10)
exten => 2,1,ReconnectPark
exten => 2,2,Dial(${SOMEOTHERPLACE},10)
exten => 3999,1,Playback(call-successfully-transferred)
exten => 3999,2,Hangup
Next feature.... flash usage:
From what I understand, SIP can relay flash events, so this is
within the bounds of reason. This is not a high-priority issue for
me, but it would be handy for managing transfers and whatnot. Using
the "#" key is fraught with danger, especially when it is used in IVR
menus on systems outside of the local PBX; I prefer "flash" since
it's local-only, though having both "flash" and "#" would be great.
If this transfer logic is already implemented, could someone please
kindly point me to a resource or mailing list discussion about it?
I am re-inventing the wheel here, and I really hate doing these
exercises since everyone else has already thought it out.
PS: Man, the mailing list is a real bear to search through. There is
no keyword search that I've been able to find, and Google's search
features suck on mailing lists. The time delay on material appearing
in the manuals, plus lack of mailing list search-ability makes RTFM
very difficult.
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