[Asterisk-Users] Motorola to use Linux

Chris Albertson chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 18 14:28:19 MST 2003

--- jharragi at mw.k12.ny.us wrote:
> Brett,
> My post was more to explore people's ideas about if and how this
> could be 
> meaningful to Asterisk (rather than having an immediate need to
> deploy 
> such a system).
> > Motorola is pushing Java heavily on their phones, so gnophone on
> the
> > cell phone seems very unlikely. Most likely the foot print would
> have to
> > be smaller to begin with.
> I don't imagine Java code is very lean. And perhaps I shouldn't have
> said 

You'd be surprized.  A hardware Jave interpeter (JVM) fits on a
very small die.  It is cheaper and takes less batery power
to run a hardware JVM then a software JVM on a bigger CPU.
Plus you loose the ROM space it would take to hold the software
JVM.  Sun sells the rights to a mask so they don't need to re-do
the design.

> > "To serve phones" I take to mean to be an RF interface to the
> phone. You
> > really don't want to go there, since a base station alone costs a
> lot of
> > money (then add all of the switching, data, network elements).
> This is one of the questions I want to understand.

I'm doing something like that.  I'm working on interfacing a
VHF/UHF transeiver to Asterisk.  This is not like a cell phone.
One extesion would go to a transeiver and everyone on the frequency
would be on that entension.  It would allow anyone within
miles get into that entension using something like one of these:

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  chrisalbertson90278 at yahoo.com
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  Christopher.J.Albertson at aero.org

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