Dialing chan_local. Was: [Asterisk-Users] return of the transfer to a busy number

Anton Yurchenko phila at dg.net.ua
Mon Dec 29 02:41:04 MST 2003

Philipp von Klitzing wrote:

>>>>Can such thing be done through dialplan , that say I transfer a call
>>>>to an extension but it is busy, so that this call returns back to me.
>How about
>- you store a temporary variable using SetVar() with the name of the
>and the value of the initially called extension when the first "contact" is
>- modify your dialplan so that in the event of BUSY you check if the above
>variable exists, and if the initial extension differs from the current one
>- if yes, dial a local channel, if no do nothing
What could that be I have the following in my dialplan:

exten => 153,1,Macro(stdexten,153,MGCP/aaln/3 at dg104s)

exten => 161,1,Dial(Local/153,,t)

but when I dial 161 I get that it is busy, dialing 153 directly works. 
here is except form my console:

    -- Executing Dial("SIP/160-43fa", "Local/153||t") in new stack
  == Everyone is busy at this time

    -- Executing Macro("SIP/160-e769", 
"stdexten|153|MGCP/aaln/3 at dg104s") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/160-e769", "MGCP/aaln/3 at dg104s|20|t") in new 
    -- MGCP mgcp_request(aaln/3 at dg104s)
    -- MGCP cw: -1, dnd: 0, so: 0, sno: 0
    -- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/aaln/3 at dg104s-1) created in state: Down
    -- Called aaln/3 at dg104s
    -- MGCP/aaln/3 at dg104s-1 is ringing
  == Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 
'SIP/160-e769' in macro 'stdexten'
  == Spawn extension (icg, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/160-e769'

What am I doing wrong


Anton Yurchenko<phila at dg.net.ua>
Digital Generation

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