[Asterisk-Users] How to return a transfered call

Philipp von Klitzing klitzing at pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Dec 12 10:02:53 MST 2003


> Sorry I didnt mention that, what if the line I`m transfering too is busy?
> How do I return the call then?

It all depends on what you do in extensions.conf and the +101 priority of 
the extension that is busy. If you do nothing then the call is simply 
gone and you can't do anything about it. Obviously. ;->

However, I believe you could write your own little transfer function [see 
Transfer()] using the dialplan or AGI to attach a "call was transferred 
from x" flag to the caller/channel/uniqueid, store it either using DBput 
or an in-memory variable, and then examine this in the event of the 
forward target being busy and act upon it accordingly. If you are 
forwarding to a Zap channel you could also prevent this from happening in 
the first place using ChanIsAvail() I assume...

Cheers, Philipp

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