[Asterisk-Security] SRTP support in Asterix

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Tue Nov 28 06:14:52 MST 2006

28 nov 2006 kl. 14.03 skrev Alexandre Passito:

> Hi all,
> I googled very much on web about SRTP support in Asterix but I  
> couldn't find anything about it.
> Does someone know about this support in Asterix? Where can I get  
> more info?
There is a patch in the bug tracker for SRTP support in Asterisk.  
Since we have no secure signalling, we felt that this patch is only  
half of a complete
solution. We're working on changing the SIP stack so that we can work  
both with
reliable and unreliable transports and add TCP and TLS.


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