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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/TOP/Architecture">Architecture</a></h2>
<h4>Comment <b>removed</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~beagles">Brent Eagles</a>
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<p>I agree with Ken's points 4 and 5.</p>
<p>"This decision has far-reaching effects throughout the design, but all of them result in a better environment for users, administrators and especially application developers."</p>
<p>What makes it better? It's more flexible, for sure. Is better too strong a word? Are being too bold? (Being bold can be good.)</p>
<p>"This drives the need to define Asterisk SCF's APIs in the Slice language, as these interfaces then become a contract between components that consume and provide these interfaces..."</p>
<p>Does this tell me enough about Slice, that's it's a contract between components? I don't know if I know enough about it to know this.</p>
<p>In looking at the last paragraph, this seems very much to be background material for how we ended up where we are; thus perhaps this is something I should be reading first about the Architecture, rather than last?</p>
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