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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/TOP/Test+Page+Template">Test Page Template</a></h2>
<h4>Page <b>edited</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~khunt">Ken Hunt</a>
<h4>Changes (4)</h4>
<div id="page-diffs">
<table class="diff" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="diff-unchanged" >PAGE TITLE: <Functional Area> Testing <br> <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-changed-lines" >h3. <span class="diff-deleted-words"style="color:#999;background-color:#fdd;text-decoration:line-through;"><Feature</span> <span class="diff-added-words"style="background-color: #dfd;"><Topic</span> or Functional Area> Overview <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-unchanged" > <br>h3. Component Testing <br> <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-deleted-lines" style="color:#999;background-color:#fdd;text-decoration:line-through;">//You may just refer to the components Boost.Test unit / component tests. <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-added-lines" style="background-color: #dfd;">// You can just refer to the components' Boost.Test unit / component tests. <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-unchanged" >// If a component or unit test doesn't exist for this topic, indicate whether <br>// they are needed/planned for specific components, or indicate "not applicable" <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-snipped" >...<br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-unchanged" >h3. System Testing <br> <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-added-lines" style="background-color: #dfd;">// For subsections such as "Functional", "Peformance", etc., do <br>// what makes sense. If you need other categories for a given <br>// topic, such as "Interoperability", "Stress", add them. If not, <br>// omit them. <br> <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-unchanged" >h5. Test Approach <br> <br></td></tr>
<tr><td class="diff-snipped" >...<br></td></tr>
</div> <h4>Full Content</h4>
<div class="notificationGreySide">
<p>PAGE TITLE: <Functional Area> Testing</p>
<h3><a name="TestPageTemplate-%3CTopicorFunctionalArea%3EOverview"></a><Topic or Functional Area> Overview</h3>
<h3><a name="TestPageTemplate-ComponentTesting"></a>Component Testing</h3>
<p>// You can just refer to the components' Boost.Test unit / component tests.<br/>
// If a component or unit test doesn't exist for this topic, indicate whether<br/>
// they are needed/planned for specific components, or indicate "not applicable"</p>
        <li>See unit tests provide with <xyz> Service under <xyz>/test source tree.</li>
        <li>See unit and component tests under <abc>/test source tree.</li>
<h3><a name="TestPageTemplate-IntegrationTesting"></a>Integration Testing</h3>
<p>// This section is for tests that insure Asterisk SCF components are<br/>
// interoperable with one another, or with some specific external technology<br/>
// or protocol.</p>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-TestApproach"></a>Test Approach</h5>
<p>// Describe any special tools, processes, etc. you will apply to these<br/>
// integration tests. If they are unique to each test, don't bother<br/>
// having this section, but just describe in the test procedure itself.</p>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-IntegrationTestProcedures"></a>Integration Test Procedures</h5>
<p>// If the list of procedures becomes too big, it can be on it's own page.</p>
<p><b>Test Id:</b> (ex: IntegTest_SipSessionGateway_RtpMedia_01)<br/>
<b>Description:</b> (Overview and purpose of the test)<br/>
<b>Components Involved:</b> (List Asterisk SCF components, test components, test devices, etc.)<br/>
<b>Setup:</b> (Major pre-reqs for the test.) <br/>
<b>Test Steps:</b></p>
<div class='table-wrap'>
<table class='confluenceTable'><tbody>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Step </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Description </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Expected Result </th>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 1. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <test artifact Foo> with configuration file foo.bar </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Foo starts </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 2. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <component> </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> <component> output shows connection with Foo. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 3. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Inspect log file for tbd. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Log file contains "abc" if successful. </td>
<h3><a name="TestPageTemplate-SystemTesting"></a>System Testing</h3>
<p>// For subsections such as "Functional", "Peformance", etc., do <br/>
// what makes sense. If you need other categories for a given<br/>
// topic, such as "Interoperability", "Stress", add them. If not, <br/>
// omit them. </p>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-TestApproach"></a>Test Approach</h5>
<p>// Describe any special tools, processes, etc. you will apply to these<br/>
// system tests. If they are unique to each test, don't bother<br/>
// having this section, but just describe in the test procedure itself.</p>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-FunctionalTestProcedures"></a>Functional Test Procedures</h5>
<p><b>Test Id:</b> (ex: SysTest_Funct_CallWithMedia_01)<br/>
<b>Test Steps:</b></p>
<div class='table-wrap'>
<table class='confluenceTable'><tbody>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Step </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Description </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Expected Result </th>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 1. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <test artifact Foo> with configuration file foo.bar </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Foo starts </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 2. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <component> </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> <component> output shows connection with Foo. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 3. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Inspect log file for tbd. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Log file contains "abc" if successful. </td>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-PerformanceTestProcedures"></a>Performance Test Procedures</h5>
<p><b>Test Id:</b> (ex: SysTest_Perf_CallThroughput_01)<br/>
<b>Test Steps:</b></p>
<div class='table-wrap'>
<table class='confluenceTable'><tbody>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Step </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Description </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Expected Result </th>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 1. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <test artifact Foo> with configuration file foo.bar </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Foo starts </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 2. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <component> </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> <component> output shows connection with Foo. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 3. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Inspect log file for tbd. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Log file contains "abc" if successful. </td>
<p>(repeat...) </p>
<h5><a name="TestPageTemplate-StressTestProcedures"></a>Stress Test Procedures</h5>
<p><b>Test Id:</b> (ex: SysTest_Perf_SimultaneousCalls_01)<br/>
<b>Test Steps:</b></p>
<div class='table-wrap'>
<table class='confluenceTable'><tbody>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Step </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Description </th>
<th class='confluenceTh'> Expected Result </th>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 1. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <test artifact Foo> with configuration file foo.bar </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Foo starts </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 2. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Start <component> </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> <component> output shows connection with Foo. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> 3. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Inspect log file for tbd. </td>
<td class='confluenceTd'> Log file contains "abc" if successful. </td>
<p>(repeat...) </p>
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