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<h2><a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/TOP/Git+Workflow+%28draft+for+comments%29?focusedCommentId=9568597#comment-9568597">Git Workflow (draft for comments)</a></h2>
<b>comment added</b> by <a href="https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/~dlee">David M. Lee</a>
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<p>After working a bit with Crucible and Git, I think it would be better if we combined the integration and release repositories.</p>
        <li>These repositories are tracked independently in Fisheye. This means that we have twice as many git repositories in the list than what we really need.
                <li>This also disconnects reviewed code (which usually happens in the integration repos) from the released code (release repos). This breaks some of the Crucible charting, like tracking code review coverage stats.</li>
        <li>Adding multiple repos adds another level of complexity. It's arguably a small level, but I don't think it's worth it.
                <li>For example, we've already had discussions about changing the gitall script to automagically add release and integration remotes to all the repos it clones.</li>
        <li>Git supports hierarchical names, so we can organize our branches to get the same net effect. We can even add more levels of organization much more simply.
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<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="toolbar: false; theme: Confluence; brush: bash; gutter: false"><![CDATA[
master # current development head
release/v1.x # v1 support branch
release/v2.x # v2 support branch
bugfix/ASTSCF-314 # Bugfix work for Jira issue ASTSCF-314
integration/flubshot # Integration branch for adding the Flubshot routing algorithm
<p>Note that I still think having separate team repos is a good idea. This is for two reasons:</p>
        <li>Updates to a team repo don't send email notifications. You can play around with a prototype all you want without spamming folks that aren't interested.</li>
        <li>Since team repos are considered personal, even it they aren't private, you have more freedom to rebase branches in your team repo.</li>
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